
I am 19 years old and living in France for a year as an au pair. Thought i'd start a blog, helps keep family and friends up to date on what i am doing.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Well, once again the months have passed very quickly since I last updated this blog.

Unfortunately the past three months have been the three most difficult months in my life. The person i spoke about in my February entry, who was getting better, passed away in March, after finding out three weeks previous that there was nothing doctors could do for him, he was just 25 years old.

So .. yes...I don't really want to elaborate further here.

I'm currently back in France for 10 days, home tomorrow visiting the lovely kids I used to look after, it is lovely to have a reason to get up in the morning, and three little people who genuinely love you, no matter what.

So that's where I'm up to in life. Living day-to-day at the moment, but I do soon have to make some decisions about where I want to live, do I want to work, do I want to study, or a bit of both etc etc, and I HATE decisions!

Anyway best stop blabbering on.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hmm Well I thought as I haven't updated anything on here for such a long time, that maybe now is the time to do just that. I seem to have a lot fo spare time right now, I got to work 2 and a half hours early! (Don't ask!) So finding stuff to do now, along with all the bookwork of course!

Well as would be expected a lot has happened in the past 8 months. I am no longer in France, but working back in my home town of Cambridge, for a football club. I am officially catering and fixture but I basically do anything and everything! Have to feed the players each day, which I love. Seem to have built up a good relationship with them very quickly. They are farily amusing and we've enjoyed a couple of practical jokes!

So in September after being offered this job I had to decide whether or not I wanted to come back to England. I love France, I love the people I was with and the kids, well i'd do anything for them. Literally. However there were a few factors which swayed my mind. Obviously there is the obvious friends and family, I like to think that I am a fairly sociable person, and in France I did enjoy going out, but it isn't the same as your friends who know you and who you know really well. Another reason was my favourite football team...Cambridge United! I miss watching them, it just wasn't the same listening to a radio (with crap commentary!) every week! The last big reason was a close friend of mine who isn't very well. However he is doing fantastically now, and we all have our fingers crossed for him.

So I came back to the land of cold and rain in December! Just before Christmas. Since then I haven't really stopped, seen The Kooks again, then Christmas and working non-stop really! Crazy times. If I do have free time I will be online talking!! Or out socialising, once I've tempted myself away from the computer!

Anyway I might just dissapear offline and do some work for now! Plenty of paperwork to be getting on with!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

oooohhhhh the football :)

anyone else really enjoying the world cup? I AM!

hehe just watchign England v Equador i had been hoping this would eb an easier match for us, but haha pigs could fly first.

Also cannot believe Sven's choice of players to take to Germany- Theo Walcott? What a joke. I mean he may be a great player but why not take proven Defoe? It is crazy- ameks me angry! can you tell! hmmm

So lets hoep we up our game a bit- otherwise we could soon be on a plane home. Lets face it Englands my only chance1 France won't be in Germany much longer! he he

anyway i'll stop moaning. this to be honest was a bit of a random post hmmm

claire x

oh and my lovely Cambridge United FC are in big trouble- nto even sure if there will still be a club soon so i am very worried bout that. (sad i know!)

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Ok so I thought I would write a bit more today.

Well I am living in France for 15 months as an Au Pair, I live with a French family near Angers, in West France. In between Tours and Nantes. The children I look after are Lucie-Anne 6yrs, Pierre-Louis 3 yrs and Elisabeth 14 months. If I could work it out I'd add some photos...However am rubbish with computers!

So I am here to learn French and experience the French way of life..which i have to say is very nice. :-)

ok so i worked out the photo thingy! Just not sure how to move it to where i wanted it..oh well! :s

So yeah, am really enjoying being here- is amazing experience. Also looking forward to having a couple of months back in the UK, in dear Cambridge (!) over the summer, as i am helping organise some fund-raising for my local football club.

Anyway don't really have much to say so i shall shut up now!

au revoir

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I thought i'd start a blog to talk about my life in France as an au pair..not very exciting i know...however it will fill up some of my spare time.

so I shall first introduce myself, I am 19 years old and living near Angers, France, I am from Cmabridge, UK.

My hobbies include: Supporting Cambridge United- and helping out! Reading, attempting to learn to play the piano, socialising, pubs when in england!

ok will write more sometime